Making a difference


Our dedication to detail is unmatched. We work with skilled professionals who put their all into building gorgeous homes that last.

We're driven by quality

We pride ourselves on providing living experiences that are elevated by design. We ensure that this approach is infused in both the form and function of our properties. Not only do our homes exude luxury living in aesthetics, but the quality of materials, build and service follow this concept of elevation too.

Quality Control

We’re supported by quality control experts that ensure our new homes are delivered to the highest standards. These skilled professionals conduct scheduled checks at key stages, logging any actions that require attention, so every Elivia Homes property meets our exacting standards when moving in day arrives.

Stage 1


We begin the quality control process right from the start to prevent early build defects. Level checking the foundations and making sure services and drainage are correctly installed. The inspection of hardstandings and driveways are all done at this point.

Stage 2


Brickwork is checked for line and level to ensure compliance with building control standards. We take particular care to ensure both face brick and cavity are adequately filled for structural integrity and thermal performance. Window and door opening support steels are installed with appropriate bearings on padstones. Damp course membranes are installed at heights consistent with architectural requirements to protect against water penetration. Roof structures are verified against both engineering and manufacturer’s designs before proceeding further.

timber roof top
Stage 3

First Fix

During this stage our team quality control the plumbing pipework and electrical cabling to ensure they are installed in accordance with our design configured for customer convenience and compliance. Boiler flues are installed and inspected to ensure effective ventilation and accessibility for future maintenance. The overall structure, and carefully installed fire safety components, are reviewed to ensure we are meeting all required standards. 

Stage 4


A full second fix inspection is completed to ensure all components are accurately installed. The property is cleaned and protection is installed, which allows our decorators to complete their work to exceptional standards with specified fixtures safely secured. 

Stage 5


The final trade works and service commissioning is now completed. We confirm our home's energy performance through an assessment of air leakage, ventilation testing and a thorough insulation review. We then professionally clean the property and complete a final building regulations and warranty inspection. 

Stage 6

Final Inspection

The Site Manager now confirms they are proud of the property and it is ready for our new customers. A Quality Manager is invited to inspect the completed home to independently assess the finished quality and work with the site team to ensure any identified items that do not meet our high standards are resolved before the home is handed over to sales. 
